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Consumer and Business Electronics

These include direct product sale of chemicals such as soaps, detergents, and cosmetics. The members of the Consumer Industries community face critical challenges and risks including food security, water scarcity, link between health and productivity in the workplace and sustainable business models. To deliver quality service to these clients, we work with their global lead partners and make use of business models developed internationally for the industry. Our clients include the oil and gas producing companies both in the public sector and branches of foreign companies

Contact Info

  • Address: 1st Floor, Aman Centre, Near Custom House, University Road, Peshawar
  • Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Phone:+92-91--5703151, 5703152
  • Fax:+92-91-5703153
Website developed by Muhammad Mansoor Yousaf

Copyright 2023 Rafaqat Babar and Company. All rights reserved.